What does the booking process look like?

Get in touch with us to check the availability of your requested space.  We’ll send you an estimated cost, and ask for 50% as a non refundable deposit to confirm the booking. There's a form to complete and some paperwork to sign to ensure we have all the information we need, and the remaining balance will be charged following your event.

Can I do a site visit before I confirm?

Yes - get in touch with us and we can arrange a time for you to visit our spaces.

Is your building accessible for those with disabilities?

At All Souls Langham Place there is lift access to the church and Waldegrave Hall, and at All Souls Clubhouse lift access is available to all rooms in the building. (There is no lift access at St Paul's Robert Adam Street.) Disabled toilets are available at all of our venues. More details are available on the pages for each individual space.

Do I have to pay anything upfront?

We require a 50% deposit, based on an estimated cost. We’ll send you a cost table so you understand where the price is coming from and then you’ll get an invoice from our finance team after the event. You can pay through bank transfer, or cheque. Once the event finishes we’ll send you another invoice for the outstanding balance.

What about cancellations?

We accept cancellations for any reason up to a month before the event, however we will retain the 50% deposit. After that, the full price of the event will be charged regardless of whether it goes forward. Exceptional circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.

Do you have parking?

We do, at our St Paul's Robert Adam Street venue. Please let us know in advance if you’d like to pay the £20 fee and reserve a space. You can unload a car at All Souls Langham Place and All Souls Clubhouse for a short while, but cannot park there.

Do you accept deliveries? Can I store things before the event?

We are happy to accept deliveries on your behalf during your hire time. If you’d like to have something delivered beforehand, please ask and we’ll see if we can work something out. Likewise with storage. Due to other events in the building, we’re extremely limited in what we can offer, so please plan to bring the majority of your stuff on the day of your event.